Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Reeeally Want to, BUT......

It's time to start blogging again.

After a busy winter of a lot of snow and a lot of hours -- and no blogging -- I think I may be ready again. The only downside is that I don't work anymore, which means I no longer have access to a speedy internet connection. So the whole picture part of this process is fairly frustrating. We'll see if I can get through it patiently, or if the challenge will fizzle the endeavor. Because this stuff takes time.

Not that time is a rare commodity to me these days. My last day at True North was April 12th, and boy has life been a blast since. Not that TNS was bad, but it definitely did not have my heart. My garden, my yard, my house, and my family & friends definitely do! And that is how I've been spending my time for the last few weeks. I have to say, I've worked harder and burned more calories than I have in a long time!

I'll wrap this one up, and we'll see how my little Sprint wireless card holds up with the new blogging resolution. You may be hearing from me -- you may not!

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