Thursday, May 1, 2008

Starting Seeds in the Greenhouse

On Easter weekend we decided to start some seeds in the greenhouse out in Atherton. This would give us a head start when it came time to plant outside. Unfortunately, someone who will remain unnamed put a little too much fertilizer in the mix, and all the plants burned up. So we started some more again on April13th. I went out yesterday, April 30, and they look AMAZING! I can't believe they grew so fast!!! I think we may plant them out in the garden either this weekend or next weekend.

Here's Tory getting our mix ready.

This is the potting area, where the crews usually pot up little trees and other green stuff. We borrowed it for the afternoon -- sure was nice to have such a great setup for the project!
This is the greenhouse. It's attached to the back of the building where the potting area is. It was a great spot for the seeds to grow!
And..... here they are!!!!! If you click on the picture & make it bigger, you can probably read the tags and see what we're growing.

This is one of the cats -- Bob. He crawled right up on my lap & made himself comfortable. His name is Bob because he was born with a bobbed tail. Named by Tory = stating the obvious.

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