Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Big [Little] News!

Probably most of you have heard by now, but in case you haven't -- WE'RE EXPECTING. Our first is due October 28th, which makes me 15 weeks as of Monday. First trimester was ok... Don't remember much of it considering how comotose I was. I traded the traditional morning sickness in for evening sickness, and had a hard time mustering up much tolerance for food past 3pm. But now, the appetite is back and I am up for Chinese, Mexican, Sweets & most anything else!

I've been to the doctor several times so far. We've heard & seen the heartbeat and everything appears to be in working order. So far it's a great kid -- doesn't talk back, doesn't run off, doesn't ask for money, and does everything I tell it! We had to borrow a picture of someone else's offspring until we can get a pic of our own. But they kind of all look the same at this point, so I probably shouldn't have even told you..........
This is a kid at 15 weeks:

And this is me at 15 weeks:
Stay tuned.... The treasure hunt is scheduled for my birthday, June 4th. We'll let you know whether we're looking at another Beth or another Tory!


Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! Congratulations! Jason and I are thrilled for you. You must be SO excited. I bet you're the most adorable pregnant person ever! Can't wait for pics of the baby bump. :)


Unknown said...

Um.... PS. I would LOVE to be as skinny not pregnant as you are at 15 weeks!
