Friday, March 6, 2009

Finally! Nice weather!

I'm going to have to make this a quickie, because it's SO nice outside & we've got to get out and enjoy it. Well, really, I just need to work in the yard which is kind of the same thing sometimes, but not always. I've gotten so bad about consistent blogging, and in the effort to discipline consistency, my plan is to just throw stuff up here quickly for awhile until I get in the habit. Once the habit comes, I'll go for quality again. Hope you guys don't mind.....

Here are a few from yesterday. It was her first really nice day outside, and she loved it. Loved the sun, the wind, the dog walking around her -- all of it. I just put her in her seat and carried her around the yard with me. I told her all about plants & why we were working. I also told her all about these fabulous little things called FLOWERS and how her life will change completely once she sees them.

There's a video in the new Video Bar (on the right side of your screen) from this same afternoon.

still a thumb-sucker...
funny face...
curious Nelson (aka Ratters)

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